3 Person Team
7 Min Cap
- Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (All Teammates)
- Calorie Ski Erg & Calorie Row*
- AMRAP Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (All Teammates)
*Row and Ski can be performed simultaneously.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Scaling Key
Female Team Calories: 24-16-8
- RX: 70/50 lbs
- Masters 35+: 70/50 lbs
- Intermediate/Masters 45+: 50/35 lbs
- Novice: 35/25 lbs
Team Flow
Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athletes will move inside the competition space and all 3 teammates will perform 30 synchronized dumbbell thrusters.
Upon completion of the dumbbell thrusters, 2 athletes may work to complete 30 calories on the rower and 30 calories on the ski erg, or 24 for female teams. Both machines may be used simultaneously by teammates. Athletes may switch out at any time to complete the total number of calories on each machine. Machines must be controlled and fully racked when switching teammates and when moving back to the dumbbells. A penalty may be assessed for not properly racking handles.
Upon completion of the calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells and complete the sets of 20 and 10 in the same fashion, along with the ski/row calories (16 and 8 for females).
Upon completion of the final set of calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells to complete as many repetitions of synchronized dumbbell thrusters as possible until the 7 minute cap.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Coed Duo
7 Min Cap
- Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (Both Teammates)
- Calorie Ski Erg & Calorie Row*
- AMRAP Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (Both Teammates)
*Row and Ski can be performed simultaneously.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Scaling Key
- RX: 70/50 lbs
- Masters 35+: 70/50 lbs
- Intermediate/Masters 45+: 50/35 lbs
- Novice: 35/25 lbs
Team Flow
Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athletes will move inside the competition space and both teammates will perform 24 synchronized dumbbell thrusters.
Upon completion of the dumbbell thrusters, both athletes may work to complete 24 calories on the rower and 24 calories on the ski erg. Both machines may be used simultaneously by teammates. Athletes may switch out at any time to complete the total number of calories on each machine. Machines must be controlled and fully racked when switching teammates and when moving back to the dumbbells. A penalty may be assessed for not properly racking handles.
Upon completion of the calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells and complete the set of 18 and 10 in the same fashion, along with the ski/row calories.
Upon completion of the final set or calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells to complete as many repetitions of synchronized dumbbell thrusters as possible until the 7 minute cap.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Teens 14-17 Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
7 Min Cap
- Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
After each round of Thrusters:
- Adult Row 10/8 Cal / Youth Row 10/8 Cal
- AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 10/10
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Scaling Key
- RX: 50/35 Adult – 35/25 Youth
- Scaled: Non-Sync Dumbbell Reps split 12-9-5 Each Athlete; 50/35 Adult – 35/25 Youth
Team Flow
Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athletes will move inside the competition space and both teammates will perform 24 synchronized dumbbell thrusters. For SCALED teams, Athlete 1 will perform 12 dumbbell thrusters, followed by Athlete 2 completing 12 dumbbell thrusters.
Upon completion of the dumbbell thrusters, Athlete 1 will work to complete 10 male / 8 female calories on the rower, followed by Athlete 2 completing 10 male / 8 female calories on the rower. Machines must be controlled and fully racked when switching teammates and when moving back to the dumbbells. A penalty may be assessed for not properly racking handles.
Upon completion of the calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells and complete the sets of 18/10 synchronized dumbbell thrusters for RX, or 9 each and 5 each for scaled in the same fashion, along with the row calories.
Upon completion of the final set or calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells to complete as many repetitions of dumbbell thrusters as possible, done “you-go, I-go” style at 10 each, until the 7 minute cap.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
13 and Under Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
7 Min Cap
- Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
After each round of Thrusters:
- Adult Row 10/8 Cal / Youth Row 10/8 Cal
- AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 10/10
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
Scaling Key
- RX: 50/35 Adult – 25/15 Youth
- Scaled: Non-Sync Dumbbell Reps split 12-9-5 Each Athlete; 35/25 Adult – 15/10 Youth
Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athletes will move inside the competition space and both teammates will perform 24 synchronized dumbbell thrusters. For SCALED teams, Athlete 1 will perform 12 dumbbell thrusters, followed by Athlete 2 completing 12 dumbbell thrusters.
Upon completion of the dumbbell thrusters, Athlete 1 will work to complete 10 male / 8 female calories on the rower, followed by Athlete 2 completing 10 male / 8 female calories on the rower. Machines must be controlled and fully racked when switching teammates and when moving back to the dumbbells. A penalty may be assessed for not properly racking handles.
Upon completion of the calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells and complete the sets of 18/10 synchronized dumbbell thrusters for RX, or 9 each and 5 each for scaled in the same fashion, along with the row calories.
Upon completion of the final set or calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells to complete as many repetitions of dumbbell thrusters as possible, done “you-go, I-go” style at 10 each, until the 7 minute cap.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
10 and Under Adult-Youth Duo
7 Min Cap
- Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (Dumbbell Reps split 12-9-5 Each athlete)
After each round of Thrusters:
- Adult Row 10/8 Cal / Youth Row 7 Cal
- AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 10/10
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.
35/25 Adult – 5 Youth
Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athletes will move inside the competition space, and Athlete 1 will perform 12 dumbbell thrusters, followed by Athlete 2 completing 12 dumbbell thrusters.
Upon completion of the dumbbell thrusters, Athlete 1 will work to complete 10 male / 8 female calories on the rower, followed by Athlete 2 completing 7 calories on the rower. Machines must be controlled and fully racked when switching teammates and when moving back to the dumbbells. A penalty may be assessed for not properly racking handles.
Upon completion of the calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells and complete the set of 9 each and 5 each in the same fashion, along with the row calories.
Upon completion of the final set or calories, teams will move back to the dumbbells to complete as many repetitions of dumbbell thrusters as possible, done “you-go, I-go” style at 10 each, until the 7 minute cap.
Score is total reps at 7 min cap.

Row: A Valor Fitness ERG will be used for this event. The damper can be at any setting desired. The rower handle cannot be dropped and must be placed in the rack when changing athletes. Oncoming athletes must be seated on the rower before pulling the handle to begin.
Ski: A Concept 2 ERG will be used for this event. The damper can be at any setting desired. The Ski ERG handles cannot be dropped and must be placed in the rack when changing athletes.
Synchronized Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster: Each set of thrusters begins with the dumbbells on the ground. The crease of the athlete’s hip must clearly pass below the knee in the bottom position. A squat clean into thruster is allowed when picking the dumbbell up from the floor. There is no requirement for athletes to reach the bottom position at the same time. The rep is credited when all athletes’ knees, hips, and arms are fully extended with the dumbbell directly over, or slightly behind the middle of the body. The rep must be completed in one fluid motion from the bottom of the squat. A front squat followed by a jerk is not allowed. All athletes must reach the lockout position together. If one athlete reached lockout before their teammate(s), they may hold the dumbbell overhead and wait for the partner(s). If an athlete is no-repped for any reason, the team must restart the repetition. Alternating or switching arms in the thrusters is not required. Alternating the dumbbell between hands is allowed but must be done when the dumbbell is at the shoulders or on the floor.
Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster:Each set of thrusters begins with the dumbbells on the ground. The crease of the athlete’s hip must clearly pass below the knee in the bottom position. A squat clean into thruster is allowed when picking the dumbbell up from the floor. The rep is credited when the athlete’s knees, hips, and arms are fully extended with the dumbbell directly over, or slightly behind the middle of the body. The rep must be completed in one fluid motion from the bottom of the squat. A front squat followed by a jerk is not allowed. Alternating or switching arms in the thrusters is not required. Alternating the dumbbell between hands is allowed but must be done when the dumbbell is at the shoulders or on the floor.