3 Person Team
For Time (12min cap)
- 500M Team Sandbag Run (All Teammates)
- 50M Swim
- 18 Sandbag Over Shoulder
- 100M Swim
- 18 Sandbag Over Shoulder
- 150M Swim
- 18 Sandbag Over Shoulder
*One teammate must bearhug hold sandbag at all times during the swim
Score is time or total reps at cap
Scaling Key:
- RX: Run Sandbag 50/30, Deck Sandbag 150/100
- Masters 35+: Run Sandbag 50/30, Deck Sandbag 100/70
- Masters 45+/Intermediate: Run Sandbag 50/30, Deck Sandbag 100/70
- Novice: No Sandbag for Run, Swim Lengths: 50-100-50, Deck Sandbag 70/50
Team Flow
At the call of 3-2-1 go! All teammates will pick up the Run Sandbag by the handles and must hold the handle throughout the duration in order to complete the 500M run.
Upon completion of the run, teammates will move to their designated pool lane. A non-swimming teammate must pick up and bearhug hold the Deck Sandbag. Once the bag is secure, one teammate at a time may begin the 50M swim. The non-working teammate must remain on the starting box. Non-swimming teammates may alternate holding the Deck Sandbag, but only one athlete will hold it at a time. The bag must not touch the deck until the swim is completed.
Upon finishing the swim distance, the swimmer must come out of the pool and return to the starting box on deck to mark the completion of the swim. From here, the bag may drop to the ground. One athlete will work at a time to complete 18 repetitions of bag over shoulder.
Upon completion of the bag over shoulder reps, teams will work in the same order to complete the swim lengths, bag holds, and ball over shoulder reps.
Teammates can switch out on the swim every 50 meters if needed (25 down/25 back).
Score is time or total repetitions at the 12-minute cap.
Coed Duo
For Time (10 Min Cap)
- 500M Team Sandbag Run (Both Teammates)
- 50M Swim
- 12 Sandbag Over Shoulder
- 100M Swim
- 12 Sandbag Over Shoulder
- 150M Swim
- 12 Sandbag Over Shoulder
Score is time or total reps at cap
Scaling Key
- RX: Run Sandbag 50, Deck Sandbag 150/100
- Masters 35+: Run Sandbag 50, Deck Sandbag 100/70
- Masters 45+/Intermediate: Run Sandbag 30, Deck Sandbag 100/70
- Novice: No Sandbag for Run, Swim Lengths: 50-100-50, Deck Sandbag 70/50
Team Flow
At the call of 3-2-1 go! Both teammates will pick up the Run SandBag by the handles and must hold the handle throughout the duration in order to complete the 500M run.
Upon completion of the run, teammates will move to their designated pool lane. One teammate at a time may begin the 50M swim. The non-swimming teammates must remain on the starting mat.
Upon finishing the swim distance, the swimmer must come out of the pool and return to the starting box on deck to mark the completion of the swim. From here, one athlete will work at a time to complete 12 repetitions of bag over shoulder.
Upon completion of the bag over shoulder reps, teams will work in the same order to complete the swim lengths and ball over shoulder reps.
Teammates can switch out on the swim every 50 meters if needed (25 down/25 back).
Score is time or total repetitions at the 10-minute cap.
Teens 14-17 Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
No swim event for this division.
13 and Under Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled
No swim event for this division.
10 and Under Adult-Youth Duo
No swim event for this division.

Bearhug Hold (Trios Only): The hold begins with the sandbag placed entirely on the front of the body, in a position lower than the chin and above the thighs for the duration of the hold. The bag will be supported with the athlete’s arms only in a “bear hug” position. The athlete’s hands and arms can be positioned anywhere they would like on/around the bag with interlocking fingers, arms and wrists. Holding the bag from the bottom is permitted. Hitching to regain control is permitted as long as the bag stays in the approved position on the body.
The hold is over when the bag is no longer in the approved hold position, rests on the thighs, moves above the chin or hits the ground.
Non-swimming teammates may alternate holding the Deck Sandbag, but only one athlete will hold it at a time, and the bag must not touch the deck until the swim is completed.
The swimmer must come out of the pool and return to the starting box on deck to mark the completion of the swim. From here, the bag may drop to the ground.
Run: Teams will run in pace together while holding the handle of a common Valor Fitness Duffle Sandbag. Sandbags have 6 handles total. The bag can be carried any way, as long as each teammate holds a handle for the duration of the run.

Sandbag Ground Over Shoulder: The rep starts with the sandbag on the ground. The rep is complete when the athlete stands at or near full extension, the sandbag crosses over the shoulder (not side), and drops to the ground behind the athlete. Re-dipping and leaning back are allowed.
Swim: Any swim style will be permitted. One teammate can be in the pool at a time. Flip turns are permitted. NO DIVING. The swimmer must come out of the pool and return to the starting box on deck to mark the completion of the swim.