2025 Kraken

Presented by Tampa Bay Games

Since 2017, the Tampa Bay Games has been a premier CrossFit competition in the Southeast. As the main event at FitFest, Florida’s largest Sports Festival and Fitness Expo, it delivers a top-tier experience for all levels, from Novice to Elite. Compete in 4-5 dynamic workouts designed for your division, with ample space and premium equipment. Registration opens April 1st—sign up as an individual or team!

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3 Person Team

9 min clock

  • Athlete1: 20/16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Athlete 2: 5 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)
  • Athlete 3: 20/16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Athlete 1: 3 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)
  • Athlete 2: 20/16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Athlete 3: 1 Clean (Heaviest Weight)

Touch and go is NOT required.
Score is the total of each completed weight (3 weights) combined.

Team Flow

All three athletes will begin this work out in the starting box. The barbells will not be preloaded. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! Athlete 1 will move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. Athlete 2 and Athlete 3 may move to load the barbell with Athlete 2s weight for 5 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. Athlete 2 will not begin the lift until Athlete 1 has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from Athlete 1. The non-working athletes must remain out of the working area. 

After Athlete 2 successfully completes 5 cleans at their heaviest weight, they will hand tag Athlete 3 to move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. Athlete 1 and Athlete 2 may move to load the barbell with Athlete 1s weight for 3 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. Athlete 1 will not begin the lift until Athlete 3 has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from Athlete 3. The non-working athletes must remain out of the working area. 

After Athlete 1 successfully completes 3 cleans at their heaviest weight, they will hand tag Athlete 2 to move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. Athlete 1 and Athlete 3 may move to load the barbell with Athlete 3s weight for 1 clean. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. Athlete 3 will not begin the lift until Athlete 2 has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from Athlete 2. The non-working athletes must remain out of the working area

Score for this workout is the combined total of all three weights. 

*For instance, A2 completes 5 cleans at 100lbs, A1 completes 3 cleans at 200lbs and A3 completes 1 clean at 300lbs, the teams score is 600lbs.*

** Key Points for Teams**  There will be a male and female bar available for use, respectively. Only the athlete actively lifting is permitted on the platform or working area. The non-working athletes will remain in the area designated by the judge. Teams will not begin loading the barbell until the athlete is on the rower. Athletes are permitted to move up and down in weight as they choose. However, athletes MUST complete all 5/3/1 repetitions at ONE weight for the score to count. Athletes actively in the lifting movement pattern as time expires are permitted to complete the lift. Athletes will not be able to perform multiple reps after time expires. Athletes are not required to “touch and go” multiple clean reps, however they must complete the required amount of reps before moving to the next portion of the workout. Any form of clean is permitted within the movement descriptions, as long as the clean comes from the ground. No pause or hang cleans are permitted. Collars must always be worn during lifts.

Coed Duo

7 min clock

  • Male: 20 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Female: 3 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)
  • Female: 16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Male: 3 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)

Touch and go not required.
Score is the total of each completed weight (2 weights) combined.

Duo Flow

Both athletes will begin this work out in the starting box. The barbells will not be preloaded. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! The Adult athlete will move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. The Youth may move to load the barbell with weight for 3 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. The Youth athlete will not begin the lift until the Adult athlete has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from him/her. 

After the Youth athlete successfully completes 3 cleans at their heaviest weight, they will move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. The Adult athlete may move to load the barbell with weight for 3 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. The Adult athlete will not begin the lift until the Youth Athlete has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from him/her. 

Score for this workout is the combined total of both weights. 

*For instance, Youth complete 3 cleans at 100lbs and Adult completes 3 cleans at 200lbs the teams score is 300lbs.*

** Key Points for Teams**  There will be a male and female bar available for use, respectively. Only the athlete actively lifting is permitted on the platform or working area. The non-working athletes will remain in the area designated by the judge. Teams will not begin loading the barbell until the athlete is on the rower. Athletes are permitted to move up and down in weight as they choose. However, athletes MUST complete all 3 repetitions at ONE weight for the score to count. Athletes actively in the lifting movement pattern as time expires are permitted to complete the lift. Athletes will not be able to perform multiple reps after time expires Athletes actively in the lifting movement pattern as time expires are permitted to complete the lift. Athletes are not required to “touch and go” multiple clean reps, however they must complete the required amount of reps before moving to the next portion of the workout. Any form of clean is permitted within the movement descriptions, as long as the clean comes from the ground. No pause or hang cleans are permitted. Collars must always be worn during lifts.

Teens 14-17 Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled

7 Minute Clock

  • Adult: 20/16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Youth: 3 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)
  • Youth: 20/16 Cal Row
  • Then
  • Adult: 3 Cleans (Heaviest Weight)

Touch and go not required.
Score is the total of each completed weight (2 weights) combined.
**Female athletes will have .15% added to their weight total due to the coed nature of this event.


Both athletes will begin this work out in the starting box. The barbells will not be preloaded. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! The Adult athlete will move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. The Youth may move to load the barbell with weight for 3 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. The Youth athlete will not begin the lift until the Adult athlete has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from him/her. 

After the Youth athlete successfully completes 3 cleans at their heaviest weight, they will move to the rower to begin work on the 20/16 Calorie Row. The Adult athlete may move to load the barbell with weight for 3 cleans. Athletes MUST use flip numbers to show how much weight is loaded onto the barbell. The Adult athlete will not begin the lift until the Youth Athlete has met the calorie requirement on the rower and receives a hand tag from him/her. 

Score for this workout is the combined total of both weights. 

*For instance, Youth completes 3 cleans at 100lbs and Adult completes 3 cleans at 200lbs the teams score is 300lbs.*

** Key Points for Teams**  There will be a male and female bar available for use, respectively. Only the athlete actively lifting is permitted on the platform or working area. The non-working athletes will remain in the area designated by the judge. Teams will not begin loading the barbell until the athlete is on the rower.Athletes are permitted to move up and down in weight as they choose. However, athletes MUST complete all 3 repetitions at ONE weight for the score to count. Athletes actively in the lifting movement pattern as time expires are permitted to complete the lift. Athletes will not be able to perform multiple reps after time expires Athletes actively in the lifting movement pattern as time expires are permitted to complete the lift. Athletes are not required to “touch and go” multiple clean reps, however they must complete the required amount of reps before moving to the next portion of the workout. Any form of clean is permitted within the movement descriptions, as long as the clean comes from the ground. No pause or hang cleans are permitted. Collars must always be worn during lifts.

13 and Under Adult-Youth Duo Rx/Scaled

For Time (7 min cap)

  • 25 Shoulder to Overhead – Adult
  • 25 Shoulder to Overhead – Youth
  • 20/16 Calorie Row – Adult
  • 15/12 Calorie Row – Youth
  • 20 Cleans – Adult
  • 20 Cleans – Youth

Score is time or total reps at cap.

Scaling Key

RX:  Adult – 115/75, Youth 65/45

Scaled: Adult – 95/65, Youth 45/30


Athletes start together on the starting mat. Each lane will have a male, female, and training bar pre-loaded with the proper weight for adult, youth, and gender. At the call of 3-2-1 go! The adult athlete will begin 25 repetitions of shoulder to overhead. Once complete, the youth athlete will begin their set of 25 repetitions of shoulder to overhead.

Once the youth athlete completes shoulder to overhead, teams will move together to the row where the adult athlete will complete their calories, followed by the youth.

Upon completion of the row calories, athletes will move together back to the barbell. The adult athlete will complete 20 cleans, followed by the youth athlete completing 20 cleans.

Score is time or total repetitions completed at time cap.

10 and Under Adult-Youth Duo

For Time (7 min cap)

  • 25 Shoulder to Overhead – Adult 95/65
  • 25 Shoulder to Overhead – Youth 20
  • 20/16 Calorie Row – Adult
  • 10 Calorie Row – Youth
  • 20 Cleans – Adult 95/65
  • 20 Cleans – Youth 20

Score is time or total reps at cap.


Athletes start together on the starting mat. Each lane will have a male, female, and training bar pre-loaded with the proper weight for adult, youth, and gender. At the call of 3-2-1 go! The adult athlete will begin 25 repetitions of shoulder to overhead. Once complete, the youth athlete will begin their set of 25 repetitions of shoulder to overhead.

Once the youth athlete completes shoulder to overhead, teams will move together to the row where the adult athlete will complete their calories, followed by the youth.

Upon completion of the row calories, athletes will move together back to the barbell. The adult athlete will complete 20 cleans, followed by the youth athlete completing 20 cleans.

Score is time or total repetitions completed at time cap.



Clean: The rep begins with the barbell on the ground. The athlete will clean the bar in one motion to the front rack position using any clean style; power, squat, or split. A deadlift and pause at the knees or any other position is not permitted. The clean is complete when the athlete receives the bar in the front rack with the elbows clearly in front of the hands and achieves full extension of hips/knees. *For Adult-Youth Athletes without bumper plates on the bar: Going below knee level, but not all the way to the ground is permitted. 

Row: A Valor Fitness ERG will be used for this event. The damper can be at any setting desired. The rower handle cannot be dropped and must be placed in rack when changing athletes. Oncoming athlete must be seated on rower before pulling handle to begin stride.

Shoulder to Overhead: The repetition starts with the bar in the front rack position. Athletes may press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk. The repetition is complete when the athlete controls the bar above the head and stands with the knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows fully extended and feet under the hips.