Adult Teams of 3
Kids Teams of 2
Adult Teams of 3
“Game Changer”
Part A-Score 1
21 Pull Ups
6 Sled Pushes (25M)
15 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (24″/20″ Box)
6 Sled Pushes (25M)
9 Devil Press
6 Sled Pushes (25M)
*Score is total number of reps completed at 9 minute cap
Scaling Key:
RX: Ring Muscle Up, Dumbbells (pair) 50lb/35lb, Sled: 200/145
Masters 35+: Ring Muscle Up = Men/ Chest to Bar Pull Up = Women, Dumbbells (pair)
35lb/25lb, Sled: 200/145
Intermediate/Masters 45+: Pull Up, Dumbbells (pair) 35lb/25lb, Sled: 170/115
Novice: Pull Up = Men/ Ring Row = Women, Dumbbells (pair) 25lb/15lb, Sled: 145/90
–1 Minute Transition–
Part B-Score 2
50ft Handstand Walk/Wheelbarrow Walk Relay
* For EVERY division, each teammate may choose to complete a Handstand Walk or Wheelbarrow Walk. Handstand Walk reps will be worth 3 points: Wheelbarrow Walk will be worth 1 point. Score is total reps between all teammates at the 3 minute cap. Let’s test your skills!
Description and Standards
Part A-Score 1:
The workout begins with all 3 athletes in the starting box near the rig. ONE athlete will work at a time. Athletes may switch out at any time once the working athlete has stopped and begins to sprint back to the starting line. There is no hand tag required.
At the call of 3-2-1 go! ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 21 Ring Muscle Ups (RMU)/Chest to Bar Pull Ups (CTB)/Pull Ups (PU)/Ring Rows (RR). There will be a “Stepper” attached to the rig to assist with climbing to the bar/rings. The RMU begins with athlete hanging from the rings with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rings. The rep is complete when the athlete is above the rings with elbows fully locked out. The CTB begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the bar. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls body up and touches chest to the bar. The PU begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the bar. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls body up and the chin clearly crosses above the plane of the bar. The RR begins with the athlete holding the rings, supporting the body off the ground, arms fully extended, and feet on the opposite side of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls body up and touches biceps or chest with the rings. Kipping is allowed on any of these movements.
Upon completing the Gymnastics Movements, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 6 Sled Pushes. The rep starts with the sled behind the starting line and is complete once the working athlete has pushed the sled completely across the 25M line on the opposite side of the field.
Upon completing the Sled Pushes, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 15 Dumbbell Box Step Overs. The rep begins with a dumbbell in each hand of the athlete. Dumbbells may be held at the athlete’s sides or on the shoulders/front rack position, but cannot be rested on the athlete’s legs. The athlete must step onto the box with both feet making contact with the top. Athletes DO NOT need to reach full extension of hips/knees on the box. The rep is complete when the athlete steps down on the opposite side of the box and both feet make contact with the ground.
Upon completing the Box Step Overs, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 6 Sled Pushes.
Upon completing the Sled Pushes, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 9 Devil Presses. The rep starts with the athlete standing with a pair of dumbbells on the ground. The athlete will drop to the floor to perform a push up with both hands on the dumbbell handles. The chest must make contact with the dumbbells or ground. From here, the athlete will step or jump, bringing both feet directly under their hips, while holding the dumbbells. The athlete will perform a kind of snatch or swing to bring both dumbbells from the floor simultaneously, and finish with both arms locked out overhead in one fluid motion. Hips, knees, shoulders, and arms must be locked out at full extension. The athlete may NOT pause at the shoulders and press the dumbbells.
Upon completing the Devil Presses, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 6 Sled Pushes.
Upon completing the Sled Pushes, teams will continue back from the top and accumulate as many reps as possible until the 9 minute cap.
*Score is the total number of reps completed at the 9 minute mark.
-Athletes will have a 1 minute transition to return the sled and all 3 teammates to the starting box.
Part B-Score 2:
These standards will be for ALL divisions. At the call of 3-2-1 go! One athlete will work at a time to complete his/her choice of a Handstand Walk or Wheelbarrow Walk. Each athlete can only select one of the two movements and MUST stick with that movement for the duration of the workout. Teammates from the same team may select different movements from one another, but again must stick with their individual movement for the entirety of this event. This is a Relay Style event, so each athlete MUST complete a 25ft leg to the opposite end of the field and a 25ft leg back to the starting box to achieve 50ft before the next athlete can begin their attempt. The first athlete may start with their second attempt once all three athletes complete their turn.
The Handstand Walk starts when the athlete rises to his/her hands behind the starting line. If the athlete drops from his/her hands before reaching 50ft, they will restart with both hands behind the point where their hands were when they dropped. The rep is complete when the athlete crosses the 50ft line with both hands. Once one athlete completes their 50ft leg, the next athlete may start their rep.
The Wheelbarrow Walk starts with both of the athlete’s hands behind the starting line and legs being held up and off the ground by any of their teammates behind them. If the athlete drops at any point before reaching the 50ft finish line, they will restart with both hands behind the point where their hands were when they dropped. The rep is complete when the athlete crosses the 50ft line with both hands. Once one athlete completes their 50ft leg, the next athlete may start their rep.
*Score is total number of reps at 3 minute mark.
Kids Teams of 2
“Game Changer”
Part A-Score 1
21 Ring Rows
4 Sled Pushes (25M)
15 Box Climb Overs (20″ Box)
4 Sled Pushes (25M)
*Score is total number of reps completed at 7 minute cap
Scaling Key:
Sled: Sled weight is 90 lbs for BOTH divisions teams may have one or BOTH athletes push the sled at the same time to move it across the field.
–1 Minute Transition–
Part B-Score 2
25ft Handstand Walk/Wheelbarrow Walk Relay
* For EVERY division, each teammate may choose to complete a Handstand Walk or Wheelbarrow Walk. Handstand Walk reps will be worth 3 points: Wheelbarrow Walk will be worth 1 point. Score is total reps between all teammates at the 2 minute cap. Let’s see the youngins’ skills.
Description and Standards
Part A-Score 1:
The workout begins with both athletes in the starting box near the rig.
At the call of 3-2-1 go! ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 21 Ring Rows. The Ring Row begins with the athlete holding the rings, supporting the body off the ground, arms fully extended, and feet on the opposite side of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls body up and touches biceps or chest with the rings. Kipping is allowed.
Upon completing the Ring Rows, ONE OR BOTH athletes will work to complete 4 Sled Pushes. The rep starts with the sled behind the starting line and is complete once the working athlete(s) have pushed the sled completely across the 25M line on the opposite side of the field.
Upon completing the Sled Pushes, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 15 Box Climb Overs. The rep begins with working athlete in front of the box. Athletes may use hands and feet to climb over the box. Both feet must make contact with the top of the box. Athletes DO NOT need to reach full extension of hips/knees on the box. The rep is complete when the athlete climbs down on the opposite side of the box and both feet make contact with the ground.
Upon completing the Box Step Climb Overs, athletes will work to complete 4 Sled Pushes.
Upon completing the Sled Pushes, teams will continue back from the top and accumulate as many reps as possible until the 7 minute cap.
*Score is the total number of reps completed at the 7 minute mark.
-Athletes will have a 1 minute transition to return the sled and both teammates to the starting box.
Part B-Score 2:
These standards will be for BOTH divisions. At the call of 3-2-1 go! One athlete will work at a time to complete his/her choice of a Handstand Walk or Wheelbarrow Walk. Each athlete can only select one of the two movements and MUST stick with that movement for the duration of the workout. Teammates from the same team may select different movements from one another, but again must stick with their individual movement for the entirety of this event. This is a Relay Style event, so each athlete MUST complete a 25ft leg before the next athlete can begin their attempt. The first athlete may start with their second attempt once both athletes have completed their turn.
The Handstand Walks start when the athlete rises to his/her hands behind the starting line. If the athlete drops from his/her hands before reaching the 25ft finish line across the field, they will restart with both hands behind the point where their hands were when they dropped. The rep is complete when the athlete crosses the 25ft line with both hands. Once one athlete completes their 25ft leg, the next athlete may start their rep.
The Wheelbarrow Walk starts with both of the athlete’s hands behind the starting line and legs being held up and off the ground by the other teammate behind them. If the athlete drops at any point before reaching the 25ft finish line across the field, they will restart with both hands behind the point where their hands were when they dropped. The rep is complete when the athlete crosses the 25ft line with both hands. Once one athlete completes their 25ft leg, the next athlete may start their rep. *Score is total number of reps at 2 minute mark.